High Blood Pressure
How To Prevent High Blood Pressure?
- Get your blood pressure checked regularly, if it is on the higher side contact your doctor.
- Avoid high sodium containing foods. Cut back frozen dinners, pizza, canned soups, broths and salad dressings, which are high in sodium content.
- Maintain ideal body weight. Calculate your BMI. If you are over-weight try and lose some of the weight.
- Avoid stress in any can you get rid of herpes form. Therapies like yoga and meditation are the best ways to reduce mental stress.
- Avoid excessive use of alcohol.
- Avoid tobacco in any form.
- Exercise regularly to remain physically active and fit.

I wish to take this opportunity of sharing with you my vision of providing world-class health services to the people of south Gujarat.
Meet Us Here
- Ring Road, Surat
Nirmal Hospital Pvt. Ltd. Ring Road, Surat, 395002, Gujarat-India
- Vyara, Tapi
Modi children hospital & Nirmal Critical Care Centre,Kakrapar bypass road. Shabridham societyVyara, 394650
- Parvat Patiya, Surat
Miracle kids I.C.U, 3rd & 4th Floor, Shivani Motors Building, Next to Reshma Row House, Puna Kumbharia Road, Magob, Surat, 395010
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